
Scholarship for Domestic Student


                                  If you think education isexpensive, try ignorance”AndyMcIntyre

The scholarship is anessential method of helping a student, who lacks proper financial backing, topursue his studies further. As far as the authority responsible for the issuingof the scholarship is concerned, it is a very noble job to help a needy fellow.We are pleased to inform that we declare scholarship this year for Sri Lanka,Yemen, Chad, Uganda, Kenya, Myanmar, Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, andMorocco. We are assured that your academic, personal and professionaldevelopment will extend throughout your undergraduate studies at ourinstitution. As a scholarship recipient, we know that you will on the traditionof excellence that has become synonymous with this great compliment. 

Scholarship/ Waiver

Wepronounce 15 scholarships which are equally alienated in all students category:-

School of Business & Economics

Scholarship/ waiver

1.      Bachelor of Business Administration

2.      Masters of Business Administration

3.      Executive Master of Business Administration,




School of Engineering & Technology


1.      Computer science engineering (CSE) 


2.      Electrical Electronic Engineering (EEE)


3.      Civil Engineering (CE)


School of Humanities & Social Science


1.      Bachelor of Arts (Hon’s) in English


“Aninvestment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – BenjaminFranklin

We offer a number of scholarships, please have alook below and check to see if you meet the eligibility criteria. Thisscholarship is awarded to outstanding scholars with leadership potential.Awards are typically made for a one-year Master's degree (MBA& EMBA) and Undergraduate Programs. 

Minimum Qualifications for UndergraduateAdmission

             80% waiver

             70% waiver

  2  Full bright scholarship

  70 %  to 75%  marks

    55% to 65% marks

          85% mark


 4 year  food + accommodation for 4 year total cost $4500

 4 year food+ accommodation for 4 year total cost  $3600

Include food + accommodation, no tuition fees require.


Total cost- $3000

Registration Fee+ ID card= $25once in a 4 year. Exam fees $35  per semester


Registration Fee+ ID card= $25once in a 4 year. Exam fees $35 per semester

Registration Fee+ ID card= $35once in a 4 year BDT. Exam fees 25$ BDT per semester. Total cost $500 USD in 4 years

Thebenefits in 4 years are given below with this amount:

Ø  We provideaccommodation

Ø  No Tuition  fees require

Ø  Food

Ø  Librarywhereyoucangetallthebooks

Ø  FreeInternet

Ø  No enrollmentfees

Ø  And if any students want to stay after exam or they canstay in dormitory whenuniversity isclosed for vacation. University authority will provide their food andalsolookaftertheminvacationperiod.

Ø  Dormitoryarefullyprotectedandmaingateclosedat10.00pm.

Ø  Foreignstudentstreatedequallylikedomesticstudents.

Ø  Freeinternetaccessindormitory.

Ø  Separateapartmentforforeignstudents. 

Admission Period:

Ø  Thereare two academic semesters these are winter and summer.

Ø   The admission procedure for winter (thebeginning of the academic year) starts within the first week of August and endswith the commencement of classes in the first week of January.

Ø  Theadmission procedure for summer takes place in the first week of February andends with the commencement of classes in the first week of July. 


Ø  General Requirements

Ø  Admission forms

Ø   Admission forms are available at: House874/322, C & B Road, and Barishal-8200. The Admission Form filled up by UGVoffice and automatically generates a printed Admission Form. All admissionactivities are soft wearied. 

Ø   1. The filled in Admission Form by UGV office.

Ø  2.Take your photo, digital sign on the admission spot.

Ø  3.Copies of all main certificates, testimonial and mark-sheets that will bepreserved by scanning copy in student's data base.

Ø  4.Photocopy of Passport of the student & one of the parents.

Ø As International students, you have to contact to our Internationalrelation officer to complete this formality.

Wish you best of luckin future.

Thank You